Thursday 27 June 2013


Many people still wonder what kind of politician I am. The more polite cynics have called me naïve. Others have used very colourful words to describe me.

Those who have been following my writings (available on my Facebook Timeline, Facebook Notes and here, my blog: would see that I am trying to push some ideals and values in the hope of elevating the quality of our politics. Politics in Nigeria till date is about patronage, god-fatherism, lucre, greed, power...-mongering, personality cults, and the self. We have come to believe it cannot be different. So educated, enlightened, exposed and value-driven people (maybe like you!) shun politics. They see it as corrupt and corrupting. And, sadly, they are actually right!

Our problem is kakistocracy: the government of the worst of the people! Our best brains and morally upright folks never go into politics. They wait till they are tapped for public office as appointees of the kakistocrats and we call them "technocrats"!! This must change if Omoseona (my son) and your children will have a Nigeria whose passport is worth carrying.

Esan di fure!

Nigeria di fure!!

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