Monday 17 March 2014


The problem with Democracy in Africa is our CULTURE. The African Culture is largely Patriarchal and leadership is essentially Geroncratic. We defer to elders such that they are deemed virtually infallible and all-knowing. 

Traditionally, we rarely question our leaders even when their folly is evident. In Yoruba, we say to the King "Kabiyesi"; that is literarily "Unquestionable"! 

We almost deify our leaders. In the past, our Kings were actually regarded as gods and treated as such. Any wonder then why most Africans still see their political leaders as "gods" who are to be worshipped and served? We fear to hold them accountable. Even when they are corrupt and blatantly loot our treasuries, we are still grateful to them if they remember to tar a few roads and repaint some of our schools. We say they are "performing". Or we exalt them as "progressives"; especially if they are out of power and become "social critics". We defend them to no end and say they are being "persecuted" should they ever come under investigation not to talk of being put on trial for corruption. We love it so. 

So, we will have no revolution. There will be no "African Spring" ("African Harmattan"?). We are "resilient". We love our culture. We like the status quo. Anyway, it suffices for us that we can vent on Facebook and other social media. And our "leaders" know us only too well.

* Sigh *

Whither Africa, my Africa?

But, Nigeria di fure!

Africa di fure!!


  1. My brother, there is a time and a season for everything under the sun. The glory will return to the land.

    1. Amen! May be WE have been raised by GOD for such a time as this. Isn't it high time we arise and be Saviours/Deliverers in our generation?

