Monday 30 May 2011


I had the privilege of being at the Eagle Square, Abuja, yesterday (29th May, 2011) and witnessed the Swearing-in-Ceremony of Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR, as the President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It was my first time of being at a Presidential Inauguration. Since birth, I have watched the previous ceremonies to swear in our democratically elected Presidents on television: 1979, 1983, 1999, 2003 and 2007.

This one was different. Different not just because I was physically present to witness it. Different not just because of my elation at seeing my candidate being sworn. There was something very special about the atmosphere; physically, and yes, spiritually. The ceremony itself was truly grand: the colourful uniforms of our men and women of the Army, Air force, Navy and the Police; the military brass band; the children and their well-choreographed callisthenic routines, the music to which the children moved on cue which brought nostalgic memories of the nursery rhymes of one's childhood; the grandeur of the event filled me with joy and pride as a Nigerian.

But what really made the Presidential Inauguration an exceptional and glorious event for me was the intense awareness that something really historic and history-changing was unfolding before my eyes. The significance for me in spiritual terms was unmistakable. I felt GOD Himself was Present! And I am not joking. There was an uncommon atmosphere of Grace and I knew we were under an Open Heaven.

There is a New Dawn in Nigeria. And it is not even really about President Goodluck Jonathan as a person though he is evidently truly loved by most Nigerians as evidenced by the pan-Nigerian mandate he was given during the elections and is riding a crest of enormous goodwill the international community. I personally believe it has to do with the season we are in as a nation under God: JUBILEE. There is a Divine Release for Nigeria. I believe the Lord, in His mercy, has arisen to scatter Nigeria's enemies. The ascendancy of President Jonathan is symptomatic of that new era. That is why I am so excited and optimistic about what is happening in our nation. I expect great things!!

It is trite to repeat the well-known fact, also acknowledged by his political opponents, that President Jonathan is genuinely humble, humane, accommodating and tolerant. Rare qualities for a Nigerian leader! Some have mistaken his leadership style for weakness not realising that it takes uncommon strength to have power and authority and still have your feet on the ground. Hillary Clinton used the term "Smart Power" to describe her aspiration for America's role in world affairs. For me, President Jonathan embodies that concept.

I find it truly amazing that there are still some people who cannot discern or have refused to acknowledge that President Goodluck Jonathan, Ph.D., GCFR, is a Man of Destiny who is ordained by the Almighty God for this season. It is not a coincidence that he has emerged as President in the year of Nigeria's Jubilee and would be in office when Nigeria's Second Jubilee and Centenary as a nation is celebrated in 2014.

I have written in the past that President Goodluck Jonathan is not a Messiah or the Messiah. That job is already taken by the King of kings and Lord of lords: JESUS CHRIST, our Redeemer and God. No man can be the Messiah. But God always raises and uses men at His pleasure as His Deliverers and "Saviours" all through history. He never leaves Himself without a witness in every generation. I believe He has raised Dr. Goodluck Jonathan at such a time as this.

But God's election carries grave responsibilities. Sadly, many men and women whom God called and anointed to accomplish His Purpose very often fail Him. The Bible is replete which such people. Talented, gifted, anointed, graced, blessed people who miss it badly and derail God's Agenda, howbeit for a season. People like Lot, Esau, Reuben, Balaam, Samson, Saul, Jeroboam, Ahab, Uzziah, Gehazi, Judas Iscariot....etc. Few men follow God and do His will completely. God still seeks men even today. Men after His own heart. MEN. REAL MEN (....and women).

President Goodluck Jonathan must understand why God has raised him, despite his lowly background and many disadvantages which he himself openly acknowledges and is well aware of. Who would have thought Otuoke would be the place where Nigeria's President would arise. Can anything good come out of Otuoke? President Jonathan alone can help us answer that question as he steps into office.

President Jonathan must covenant to follow God and Him alone. The godfathers, party-men, political organisers, campaign managers, family, friends, well-wishers, supporters and voters, have played their role. He must now allow God to bid where he goes and lead so he follows. The name "GOODLUCK" and the slogan "GOODLUCK NIGERIA" might have been good to market his candidacy. But the name "JONATHAN" is now more relevant. Jonathan means "YAHWEH has given" or "God has given" in the Hebrew language. No man can have anything except God has given. Power belongs to God and He gives it to men as mere stewards. President Jonathan must live up to his name as God's Gift to Nigeria. He must be a blessing not a curse. He must give not take. He must be different. So God (and Nigerians) can say in 2015, "WELL DONE!".

My prayer is that the Lord God would turn him into "Another Man" as it was for King Saul after he was anointed King over Israel. I pray that God emboldens him and grants him uncommon wisdom to do His Will for Nigeria.

I believe it is a New Dawn indeed for Nigeria.


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